Your wedding day is a beautiful symbol of love and commitment, a treasured memory to pass down through the generations.
At Paubuk Multimedia, our passionate and skilled videographers understand the significance of this special day - that's why we are committed to capturing every moment with the utmost care and professionalism.
With over 7 years of experience in the wedding industry, we have consistently exceeded our clients' expectations with our high-quality wedding videos. Every shot is meticulously crafted, ensuring that every detail is captured flawlessly. From the excitement of your engagement party to the anticipation leading up to your big day, to the heartfelt exchange of vows, and the magical moments on the dance floor - we'll be there, preserving all the precious memories with precision and artistry.
- Capture the magic with Groom & Bridal Morning Prep.
- Enjoy 15 hours of comprehensive wedding day coverage.
- A dedicated team of 2 operators and 1 static camera.
- Experience stunning Drone Coverage (weather permitting).
- Professional audio recording ensures clear sound.
- Share an engaging 2 Minute Instagram Edit.
- Keep every moment with an up to 90 Minute Full Ceremony Edit.
- Convenient Online Digital Delivery.
- Plus, a Personalised USB Drive for lasting preservation.
• Enjoy 11 Hours of Captivating Wedding Day Coverage
• Dual Cameras & Skilled Operators for Every Moment
• High-Quality Professional Audio Recording
• Engaging 2-Minute Instagram Highlight Edit
• Up to 60 Minutes of Full Ceremony Edit
• Convenient Online Digital Delivery for Easy Access
• 9 Hours of Unforgettable Wedding Day Coverage
• One Dedicated Camera & Operator
• High-Quality Professional Audio Recording
• Comprehensive Up to 45-minute Full Ceremony Edit
• Convenient Online Digital Delivery
A registered company in England and Wales.
Registered Number: 9383569.
©2024 by Paubuk Studios Ltd